What can I say?

For over 40 years I have been involved in all aspects of the building trades from carpentry to excavation as well as providing garden and farm help for residential applications or larger installations like market gardens and permaculture. My current services included carpentry from frame to finish, woodworking in my shop here on Dog Team Rd., boat building and repairs, furniture building and repair, light electrical, plumbing, property maintenance. I stress quality through out the process. Quality workmanship, quality materials and quality relationships. All of my many years of experience go into everything I do so things get done once correctly without revision down the road. I also offer local consulting services to help you sort out priorities for repairs and changes to your property. If you have an older home or building or you just closed and walked in the door, sometimes there are many problems associated with the building or grounds and it can be difficult to sort out and maybe you don't know where to start. I can help you set priorities and budgets and identify areas of concern that need to be addressed immediately for safety or security purposes and help you make long term plans and work on projects one at a time as time and money allows or all at once if that's what you prefer.
The latest addition to this web site of mine is the retail store where I offer high quality, hand crafted products built here in my shop in New Haven. Feel free to look around the store. It's all good stuff. Sometimes I'll have things I don't make but can offer you a bargain on so it pays to bookmark this site and come back now and then to see if I've added any new stuff!
Click here for complete Contact & Rates
1195 Dog Team Road
New Haven, Vermont 05472
If you choose to call make sure you leave a voicemail message. Having a public business advertised on the internet, I get tons of spam calls these days so if it's not someone's number I recognize I don't answer it. Please leave me a message and I'll call you back as soon as I get off the ladder or out from under the sink and put the tools down!
If you have a small boat or furniture you need refinished or repaired, I'm your guy. Contact me and I'll make you something you can show off again!
Sign up as a fan of my YouTube channel at this link if you want. It's some just fun stuff like boating, hiking, bike riding and such here in Vermont! and some DIY home improvement clips I'm producing to help people do a few things for themselves. https://www.youtube.com/channel
The latest addition to this web site of mine is the retail store where I offer high quality, hand crafted products built here in my shop in New Haven. Feel free to look around the store. It's all good stuff. Sometimes I'll have things I don't make but can offer you a bargain on so it pays to bookmark this site and come back now and then to see if I've added any new stuff!
Click here for complete Contact & Rates
1195 Dog Team Road
New Haven, Vermont 05472
If you choose to call make sure you leave a voicemail message. Having a public business advertised on the internet, I get tons of spam calls these days so if it's not someone's number I recognize I don't answer it. Please leave me a message and I'll call you back as soon as I get off the ladder or out from under the sink and put the tools down!
If you have a small boat or furniture you need refinished or repaired, I'm your guy. Contact me and I'll make you something you can show off again!
Sign up as a fan of my YouTube channel at this link if you want. It's some just fun stuff like boating, hiking, bike riding and such here in Vermont! and some DIY home improvement clips I'm producing to help people do a few things for themselves. https://www.youtube.com/channel
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-Carpentry & Field work: $55.00/hr -Woodshop: $70.00/hr -Rental equipment and delivery at cost -No returns on special order items -All materials are charged to the customer -Driving time - Portal to portal is charged at standard rates. -Pickup and delivery of material and equipment to the job site is charged hourly plus mileage -If a job is canceled for any reason once started, customer is liable for all time up to and including time to set and break down the job site and any outstanding materials charged to the job on my accounts. Before work begins I request that you set up an account or accounts at the vendors we will use for you project(s). Either you can leave a credit card on file or set up a 30 day account, whichever works for you. For day jobs just giving me a check that I can take with me to pick up supplies works too. You are invited along to enjoy the circus at the lumber yard of you want to and maybe help pick out the materials you want by sampling their wares in person! I realize this is not how most people work but this allows you to pay only for the product and no mark up from me and all the receipts go to you. -Service calls for on the spot repair or handyman services, minimum $150.00 + materials |